
Because of this, the value of the dollar is the same

It must be a change in American economic policies and they are intended to stimulate industry and local economies, which means a significant increase in public division, inflation and tax burdens in the United States.
Gilberto Braga, Professor of Economics and Finance at Ibmec-RJ

Juros altos nos EUA. In this scenario, fleshed out according to Braga, I had to say that we “made an attempt to arrange our securities from America, or that dollars belonging to emerging major markets such as Brazil are destined for the United States”. Dessa Forma, it’s a bigger devaluation for real money.

More important negotiations from me. However, it is assumed that there is no dollar negotiation volume.

Bought more, greater value. According to economist and professor of international relations at ESPM Fabio Andrade, many people, following the announcement on the outcome of the North American armed forces, relevant to the purchase of dollars. It’s a scenario where an American company gets real value in the relationship.

Mais venda, menor valorização (ou queda). In addition, some people who want to spend dollars are willing to sell. When more people sell dollars, the money becomes available on the market. There are more dollars available to purchase, or the price of the dollar tends to refer to real money, or meaning the dollar has lost value compared to Brazil.

This greater volume of negotiations was explained by a very immediate behavior in the financial sector of the industry with a certain panic that could have to do with the global economy, or at the same time with the panic about what is the biggest change.
Fabio Andrade, economist and professor of international relations at ESPM

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