
Review: Abbott Elementary, “Dad Fight”

Disney/Gilles Mingasson

After falling into the trap of delivering a holiday episode full of mood but little substance, Abbott Elementary School returns this week with “Dad Fight” – a return to both the standard episodic offering and the banger status of season four. To be clear: describe everything as “standard episodic fare” when it comes to that Abbott Elementary School is not a judgment; Instead, it’s an acknowledgment of what works for the series and what allows it to be its best. That would be the combination of story and plot, humor and heart that makes it Abbott Elementary School so entertaining and sometimes – as in “Dad Fight” – exemplary, without underestimating any character or story.

And the brilliance of “Dad Fight” and Ava Coleman’s script also comes from its simplicity. Overall, the episode is a classic example of a sitcom taking real-life issues and pushing them to the extreme for narrative and comedic purposes. A person who stubbornly refuses to seek medical attention despite a serious injury is a real problem. …

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