
Veterans Day: Is Veterans Day a national celebration? Find out about work on November 11th

The United States is preparing for this Remember one of your most important celebrations:El Day of the Veterans, también conocido como Veterans Day en english.

A journey to this celebration, The country must serve all soldiers and the people who spend their lives in the country’s Fuerzas Armadas. La celebration You shouldn’t confuse it.Memorial Day’that’s the last thing Remember the people who lost their lives in battle, mientras que el Veterans Day Take the soldiers out at home and visit the active soldiers.

What is Veterans Day?

Su origen I made it back to the final of the Primera Guerra Mundialcuando Alemania On November 11, 1918, the armistice was accepted until the conflict finally ended. From the beginning, the era of celebration began as follows el Day of Armisticio. No, in 1954, President Dwight Eisenhower changed the name for Veterans Daymientras que el Congresso It was set as Fecha on November 11 to observe the commemoration.

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Is Veterans Day a national celebration?

The answer is there. El Día de los Veteranos form parte de Los Once Días Festivos at Nivel Nacional; Por lo que The governor’s offices and services have suspended their work since this day.

Además del Día de los Veteranos, the other days of feriados Federales son: Año Nuevo, Natalicio de Martin Luther King Jr., Natalicio de George Washington, Memorial Day, July 4th (Independencia), Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving, Navidad and, the most recited by people, Juneteenth Day.

What’s wrong with November 11th?

When we thought about a federal holiday, Companies and public institutions are obliged to refuse to work because they have to give their employees a day off. That’s inclusive Governors’ and correspondents’ offices, libraries, schools and valores bags. The bancos listed in the Reserva Federal calendar, también permanecerán cerrados.

No obstante, Dado that the day is free for a single application in the public sector, read Companies and institutions of a private nature reserve the option to pay the day free of charge to their employees. Everything depends on the employer’s policy We recommend that you contact your company’s appeals office.

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